DEL’s patented Total Clean System is the most valuable component of any dredge dewatering project besides the dredge itself. On most dredging projects the Total Clean System will remove and dewater 60% or more of the dredged material and at a cost much less than any other dewatering method. The Total Clean will receive the initial flow directly from the dredge and remove all the oversize debris, usually +1/8”. The remaining slurry is then pumped to the hydrocyclone/shaker units where typically the sand fraction, +74 microns is removed. Any solids remaining in the hydrocyclone overflow and screen underflow then flows through the tilted plate baffle section of the V-Tank. The remaining solids settle and are conveyed to the pump suction of the recycle pumps by the shaftless auger and then through additional sets of hydrocyclone/shaker units for additional removal of solids, down to +37 microns in some cases. The effluent overflow from the Total Clean can then be treated with polymer and pumped to one of DEL’s Clarifier/Thickener Tanks where the remaining solids will settle and the thickened underflow can be pumped to geotextile tubes, belt or filter presses, or centrifuges for final solids removal.
We have Total Clean 1500, 3000, and 3000 Plus for rent.
We have Total Clean 1500, 3000, and 3000 Plus for rent.
Just to name a few Total Clean Projects: