The DELineator, 3 and 4 Panel Linear motion shale shakers along with the newest designed DEL 4000 and DEL 5000, meet the needs of solids separation in a large number of different industries. To name a few, Drilling, (whether it be used in Oil and Gas as a primary or drying shaker, Water Well, or HDD), Dredging, Mining and Dewatering for waste disposal. Our success in separating unwanted solids from fluids, as well as reclaiming valuable solids that in the past have been costly and wasteful to dispose of, has now placed DEL as a noteworthy competitor in the Solids Separation World.
In addition to our manufactured shakers, we also have a DEL 6x12 and DEL 6x16 shakers in our rental fleet.
In addition to our manufactured shakers, we also have a DEL 6x12 and DEL 6x16 shakers in our rental fleet.